
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual Treatment for Spiritual Problems

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

Film of Thoughts:

Since I have grown up, I have always found myself trapped in different thoughts. My mind does not relax even for a second except the time when I am sleeping. Different situation have an impact on my mind and I keep thing about them all the time. Old memories or a movie gets stuck in my mind and runs like a movie, even when I am working. It happens continuously and then I get a headache but the thoughts in the mind don’t go away.  If any unexpected incident occurs, I keep thinking about it all the time. I want to get rid of these random and repeated thoughts. (Malik Abrar, Islamabad) 

Answer: Do this Amal after Fajr prayer and before sleeping at night. Lie down on the bed and let all your body parts relax. Inhale and say YA ALLAH یَا اَللہُ and while exhaling say YA RAHMAN یَارَحْمٰنُ  . Repeat these names while inhaling and exhaling. Continue this for 10 minutes. This Amal should be done with full concentration and relaxation. Anytime in the day, Read Surah FALAQ and blow on the spoon of Honey with 2 dates on them. Eat after that. Repeat this for 40 days at least and you will notice a change in yourself.  If required you may continue this Amal for 2 months as well. Avoid excessive salt and spices intake.

Mysterious Sounds

One of my friend’s sisters hears some voices asking her not to pray whenever she stands for prayer.  Some time she feels she has been pushed and beaten. She has to end her prayer due to this. Similar incidents always happen to her. (Abdullah, LAHORE)

Answer: Reduce Salt intake in food.  2) In the morning, read and blow 21 times ALHAMDULLILAH  اَلْحَمْدُلِلہِ on 3 dates and then eat them. 3) Consult a doctor for the treatment of weakness of heart and mind. InshAllah you will be benefited and these feelings will go away.

Short tempered

My son is almost four and a half year old. He is suffering from Asthma from last two years. Please advice any Amal for this purpose. In addition to that my husband is very short tempered. He does not avoid using abusive language even in front of house maids. He takes care of me other wise and fulfills all our needs. But his anger is very severe due to which I get depressed. Please answer my problem.

(Mrs. Kamran, Multan)

Answer:  Read YA RAOUFO 100 times in the morning and night and blow it on water. Let the child drink it. Where ever your husband drinks water from, Read  یَااَللہُ YA ALLAHO YA یَا وَدُوْدُ WADOODO 3 time before sunrise and blow it on the bottle/fridge etc. InshAllah his attitude will change. You need to also make sure that you do not do anything against his will. Sometime few men are short tempered due to the load of work they have however they are good at heart.

Lack of Concentration

An incident occurred in front of me few months back which left a very big impact on me. That incident comes in front of my mind every now and then. In addition to that, the fear has increased in my heart and mind due to that incident. I am unable to work as those thoughts have surrounded my mind. (Anam, Karachi)

Answer: At night, sit in a dark room and concentrate on one point while reading Surah Kausar with your tongue. Continue this Amal approximately for 10 minutes. Read YA KAREEMO یَا کَرِیْمُ   whenever possible. The incident will fade away from you mind. 

Uninterested Attitude

I am the youngest in my family and that is why often gets scolding from elders. I am often upset on small and minor issue. I get angry and fight with my sisters and never accept my mistake. Sometimes, I don’t feel like doing any work at home. (Yasmin; Mir poor -Azad Kashmir)

Answer:  You have actually pointed out your own mistakes. If you are looking forward for a healthy environment at home then you should know how to overcome these complains and how you can correct yourself. This will also benefit you in future. Once you make a commitment then your will-power becomes strong and helps you to achieve it. Read YA WADOODO یَا وَدُوْدُ one time after Fajr prayer and blow it on your hand. Rub your hand on the face. Repeat this thrice. Continue this Amal for 2 months.


A four year old daughter of my friend fell ill last year. After that her attitude has changed a lot. She gets scared on minor things. Kindly advice any specific name of Allah for her.

(Muhammad Sharif, Kusoor)

Answer: ہُوَ اللہُ الْخٰلِقُ الْبَارِیُٔ  الْمُصَوِّرُ لَہُ الْاَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنٰی (الحشر24)

[24: Surah Al-Hashr]

Read this in the evening 41 times and blow it on water. Let her drink this water. In the morning read 100 times YA RABBUR-RAHEEM یَارَ بُّ رَّحِیْمُ and blow it on 3 pieces of dates and let the child eat the dates. Read Surah Kausar and blow on her head when she is asleep.  Continue this Amal for at least 40 days. InshAllah she will recover.

My husband is living and working abroad. He has tried many times to setup a business in Pakistan but faced failure each time. We are unable to figure out what work we should do. Tension is increasing day by day due to this.

(Sobia, Sialkot)

Answer: It is very important to keep in mind the practicality of the business before you start it. It is not necessary that you will also gain profit from the same business which is profitable to others. You should consult some business experts. Read YA BASITO 300 times یَابَاسِطُ  after Fajr prayers. And give Sadaqah as per your ability and convenience.

Tension in Mind

I am always trapped with different tensions in my mind. I am very doubtful and always think negative. I always feel that I am going to get a very dangerous disease. I often think about these things in my prayers. I feel very disappointed and often feel weakness of nerves. (Ghulam Mujtaba)

Answer: Write the word ‘Allah beautifully’ on a piece on paper and stick it on a card board. Every morning after you wake up and before sleep watch it from a distance of 4 to 5 feet. During other times of the day read  یَاحَیُّ  YA HAYYU YA QAYYUM یَاقَیُّومُ  excessively.


I am unable to sleep in the day and at night. I close my eyes and try hard to sleep but all in vain. I also lack peace of mind.  I am in the habit of biting my nails due to all these tensions. (Muhammad Sadiq, Karachi)

Answer:    When you are lying on your bed at night, try to remove all thoughts from your mind and relax you body. And imagine that there is a river of light and you are in it. Keep this imagination in your mind until and unless you fall asleep. Other times of the day and night read YA RAHMAN YA RAHEEM. InshAllah the problem will be solved. 

Bleak Future:

I am often lost in the world of imagination. This condition is since my childhood. I am often lost in my thoughts and unable to concentrate on my work. I have reached such a stage of my life that this condition is not acceptable in any way. I see a dark future because of this (Shahid, Liya)

Answer: Write the number ‘5’ on 9 inch long and 5 inch wide paper in lines, until you fill the paper. Stick it on a card board. See this with full concentration before sleeping at night and after waking up in the morning for almost 10 minutes. 

Devoid of attraction 

My personality lacks attraction and my face is uncharming. Please advise me something for an attractive personality and glowing face. (Eijaz Butt, Lahore)

Answer:  Write the word ‘Allah’ beautifully on a piece on paper and stick it on a card board. Every morning after you wake up and before sleep watch it for 10 minutes. It is very important to also check your diet and eating habits. It is essential to eat healthy for a healthy body and mind. Try to keep yourself relax. Avoid depression, anger, anxiety. InshAllah you will have a shining personality.

Shivering of body

My hands often shiver. I am unable to even hold a tray of glasses while serving the guests. I am also not able to face the guests as I feel nervous and my body shivers due to the nervousness. I am not able to control this nervousness and shivering of hands.

Answer:  After Fajr prayer stand on a wooden stool. Close your eyes. Life your hands just like you lift them for dua. Read YA WADOODO  یَاوَدُوْدُ  once and blow it on your hand and rub it on your face. Repeat this three times. Stand silently for sometimes after you end this Amal. Continue this Amal for 3 week s and observe difference in your condition. You may continue this Amal for 40 days but do not exceed 40 days.

Upset letter

I belong to a middle class family. My father has passed away and I am the only child of my parents. I am living with my mother and maternal family. I often get interference of other people and scolding as well. This is having a big influence on me. I get headaches and sometimes start crying. I am unable to concentrate on my studies. My heart and mind  have become a center of random thoughts.  Please advise me something that can help me get rid of such thought and to have concentration in my studies. (Unknown)

Answer:  A person becomes sensitive due to unexpected incident and eventually takes every situation on his mind. While it is a negative thought, it also has a positive element to it. Example; you will develop a sense of responsibility and maturity. You need to stop thinking deep on such thing as this will have a negative impact on your abilities. Try to change yourself and you will succeed. YA HAYOO YA QAYOOM یَاحَیُّ یَاقَیُّوْمُ is very effect wird for you. Keep reciting it as much as you can. It will make things easier for you. You need to discuss this with your mother so that she can handle it in a better way and can make others understand that unnecessary scolding can have negative impact on the child. This might also change others attitude.

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